Tiny Pest – Big Bite!
Ticks are not just an occasional nuisance or a passing irritation for your pet. They should be given equal consideration to any other health-care issue. Responsible pet owners keep their animals vaccinated and wormed, they look after their pet’s dental health, and use regular flea control. But how many people realise that ticks can also be a very serious threat to the health of their pet?
Whether you live in the countryside, suburban areas, or in the city, if your pet goes in fields and woodland, in the park, or even in your garden, ticks may have the opportunity to attach.
There are a number of tick species in the UK which will readily attach to our pets, and can transmit disease to them. The most common of these are the sheep tick (Ixodes ricinus) and the hedgehog tick (Ixodes hexagonus). Both these species carry Borreliosis and other associated infections.
Tick bites can cause a variety of problems to animals. These can range from uncomfortable skin reactions and septic abscesses, to the transmission of diseases which can be a serious health threat, and in certain cases may prove fatal. Preventing tick attachment, and correctly removing any ticks that have attached, is key to preserving your pet’s health.
Protecting your pet makes sense
Getting out and about provides our pets, and us, with the exercise and stimulus that is essential for good mental and physical health. Keeping them, and you, sufficiently protected against ticks will allow continued enjoyment of the great outdoors in increased safety. Check out our ‘Tick Prevention‘ section for information about tick checks and tick repellent products for your pet, and our ‘Top Tips‘ to help keep you and your family safe.
If your pet is unfortunate enough to contract a tick-borne infection, your knowing the early-warning signs can significantly improve your pet’s chances of making a full recovery because veterinary attention can be sought early in the course of the infection.