‘Sin Lee, a pathologist and scientist, believes the deck is stacked in the quest to air new ideas on Lyme disease.
Too many science journals telling him to take his research elsewhere. Too many deftly worded rejections. Too little inclination to engage in a fair fight over the facts and fiction of Lyme disease.’
“I’ve tried to publish in many journals,” Christian Perronne, a physician on the infectious diseases faculty at the University of Versailles-St Quentin, France, told a conference in Norway in 2014 and repeated those assertions when I spoke with him. “If you try to publish a little bit different from the guidelines, it’s anti-science.”

The above extracts are from:-

Flunk the Lyme test? Just wait and get sicker


An article in the Huffington post written by Investigitive jourmalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer, read the full article here:- 
Mary Beth Pfeiffer has had many articles published related to Lyme Disease, perhaps one of her more well known ones was that over a five year delay of responding to FOIA request to CDC, discussed in this article:-
The detailed interactive map of the Ad Hoc group that was exposed, no longer seems available but more information can be read here :-

Mary Beth Pfeiffer is writing a book  “The First Epidemic” on the global spread of ticks and the diseases they carry, due to be published in 2018.